Please click the link for active committee information: DOJABA Call to Service
Attorney Recruitment and Development Committee - plans and supports activities which will assist in the recruitment and professional development of Black attorneys in the Department; collects job vacancy information for dissemination by the Corresponding Secretary; provides information on training opportunities; maintains liaison with management officials of the Department for the purpose of promoting the advancement of Black attorneys in the Department; and arranges for and participates in programs designed to find qualified Black attorney candidates for the Department.
Personnel Action Committee - assists members and other interested persons within the Department who seek advice on matters involving the entire range of personnel actions including complaints of discrimination, disputes as to evaluations, and other such matters.
Community Action Committee - develops and implements programs for the betterment of the Black community.
Social/Cultural Committee - plans social and cultural events, as appropriate, and celebrations of appropriate commemorative days.
Organization Liaison Committee - provides for representation of this organization at Department meetings or functions related to the purposes and objectives of this organization, as appropriate; provides for representation of this organization at meetings or functions of other organizations concerning issues related to the purposes of this organization, as appropriate; arranges joint meetings with other organizations; invites leaders of other organizations as guests to monthly meetings; and carries out appropriate actions designed to further the interaction between this organization and the Black community.
Communications Committee - assists the Corresponding Secretary in carrying out the functions of that office, including, but not limited to the publication of the organization's newsletter.
Assistant United States Attorney Representative - provides the perspective of and brings matters of concern regarding Assistant United States Attorneys (“AUSAs”) to the attention of the Executive Council; and acts as a liaison with AUSAs on DOJABA-related matters.