DOJABA Executive Council Opportunities: Parliamentarian

DOJABA’s current parliamentarian, Kendrack Lewis, will be leaving the Department for a new position with the Securities Exchange Commission in June. Kendrack has been a tremendous asset to the Executive Council, is an outstanding attorney, and is a spectacular human being. We will miss him dearly. Congratulations, Kendrack!


Given Kendrack’s departure, we are seeking volunteers for the parliamentarian position. According to our constitution, the Parliamentarian “shall be a voting member of the Executive Council and shall be responsible for: (a) maintaining knowledge of parliamentary procedure and the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws; (b) advising the Chair, Executive Council, committees, and members on proper procedure; (c) assisting with maintaining order in all meetings and keeping the Chair on track with motions and discussions; (d) chairing any committee to amend or maintain the organization’s Constitution or Bylaws.” This position is not a heavy lift. If you are interested in this position, please contact DOJABA’s Chair, Oneshia Herring, at


Reminder: Ted McBurrows Scholarship Fund
