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General Body Meetings and Professional Development Workshops

DOJABA holds quarterly general body meetings to inform its members of the organizations’ business.  We also hold workshops related to professional development and other topics of interest to our members. These workshops, offered exclusively for DOJABA members, allow members to learn new skills and fine-tune current ones, and cover a range of topics relevant to a successful legal career at the Department, including legal writing, public speaking, and leadership. 

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DOJABA Day is an annual law student outreach event where DOJABA members provide resume reviews, informative presentations on legal intern and entry-level attorney hiring, networking sessions, and more for law students in the Mid-Atlantic region who are members of the National Black Law Students Association (“NBLSA”) and interested in pursuing a career at DOJ.

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Summer Intern Lunch

DOJABA’s annual Summer Intern Lunch provides federal government summer legal interns who are members of NBLSA with information about the Attorney General’s Honors Program and a chance to ask DOJABA members about their experiences working in the Department.

Women’s History Month

In 2019, DOJABA sponsored a program to celebrate Women’s History Month, “Becoming” Your Best Self by “Leaning In.”  During this program, we had a panel of senior women in the Department who discussed what we could learn from “Becoming” by Michelle Obama and “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg. 


 Juneteenth Celebration

DOJABA commemorates Juneteenth in honor of our strong and resilient ancestors. In June 2019, we hosted a potluck lunch where our members wore African-inspired attire, listened to inspirational Black music, enjoyed traditional cultural cuisine, and fellowshipped. Our Chair gave celebratory remarks.

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Black History Month Program

DOJABA hosts an annual Black History Month Program in February to commemorate the tremendous contributions of Black Americans at the Department and our country. However, for DOJABA, celebrating black excellence is a philosophy, not one month ordeal. 

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R.I.S.E. Attorney Mentorship Program

The purpose of the RISE program is to elevate the competence, professionalism, and success of DOJABA members through positive mentoring relationships. The name RISE stands for mentoring Relationships, Instilling confidence, encouraging Success, and sharing Experiences. 


 DOJABA 30th Celebration

In 2019, DOJABA celebrated its 30th anniversary with a wonderful program hosted at the D.C. Court of Appeals.  DOJABA was honored to have Chief Judge Anna Blackburn-Rigsby open the program with welcoming remarks. The program featured a panel discussion with DOJABA founding members, a keynote speech by DOJABA Alum, Kristen Clarke of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, honoring this milestone, and a networking reception. 


Senior Executive Service Preparation Program  

The SES Preparation Program prepares DOJABA members to pursue management positions in the Senior Executive Service (SES) by providing training and support for members who are potential SES applicants. 

Racial Justice Initiative

Through its Racial Justice Initiative, DOJABA develops special programs and uses its voice to advocate for racial equity and social justice.

 Other Advocacy Efforts

DOJABA engages in various targeted advocacy efforts that serve the needs of Black attorneys at the Department and the Black community at-large.