DOJABA’s Amended Constitution and Bylaws
DOJABA members voted to amend several aspects of DOJABA’s Constitution and Bylaws. Effective November 4, 2021, the changes include:
(i) extending regular membership privileges to interested DOJ employees and contractors, regardless of geographic location;
(ii) providing flexibility for remote or electronic meetings;
(iii) updating the timelines and qualifications for officer elections;
(iv) authorizing waiver of dues for compassionate or exceptional reasons (including new Honors Program hires), if approved by DOJABA’s Chair after specific written request; and
(v) creating a standing Paraprofessional Committee to address matters of concern to paraprofessionals and support staff.
DOJABA’s Amended Constitution and Bylaws are attached. Please e-mail DOJABA Parliamentarian, Vivieon Jones ( with any questions.