Follow up: Executive Order Censoring “Divisive” Diversity & Inclusion Training

On December 22, 2020, David Seide from the Government Accountability Project—the nation’s premier whistleblowing advocacy group—filed a disclosure on behalf of a group of DOJ employees who are members of affinity groups to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General, and the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. The disclosure describes how Executive Order 13950 and the corresponding OMB and OPM memoranda—all of which censor diversity training in federal agencies—constitute (1) violations of law, (2) abuse of authority, (3) gross mismanagement, and (4) gross waste of funds by executive branch political leadership. You’ll find the disclosure here.


DOJABA General Body Meeting and Stress Management Workshop


DOJABA Judicial Nominations Workshop on January 28, 2021